Days 149-154 Providence, RI (A Tale of Two Cities: Part 1)
Providence Rhode Island is definitely a tale of two very distinct cites.
On one side you have the extreme opulence of the Ivy League through Brown University and all that such an institution brings with it, and if you throw in the RISD kids from the art school elite it makes for an interesting dynamic.
The other side is for lack of a better way to put it the working poor neighborhoods. The grease that keeps the machine rolling if you will. These communities are a mixture of class and race.
The interesting thing that I noticed was how insular these communities are, the students from College Hill do not go to Smith Hill and for the most part, besides work the people from the outlying neighborhoods do not venture into College Hill. This is by no means unique to Providence, but as I have been in Providence waiting for my replacement bike (to replace the on stolen in Boston), it’s the one I’m in.
King Kong must be hiding somewhere
The relationship between the people at the area elites is not so rosey. AS with most places the infrastructure supports the few.
Love the dog in the window!
I saw him staring at me, couldn’t pass that up 🙂